Golang struct slice排序

1 提供less(i, j int) bool函数

1.1 golang代码

package main  
import (  
func main() {  
    ps := []struct {  
        name string  
        age  int  
        {"larry", 19},  
        {"jackey", 18},  
        {"lucy", 20},  
    // keeping the original order of equal elements  
    sort.SliceStable(ps, func(i, j int) bool {  
        return ps[i].age < ps[j].age  

1.2 结果输出

[{jackey 18} {larry 19} {lucy 20}] 

2 实现sort.Interface接口

2.1 golang代码

package main  
import (  
type person struct {  
    name string  
    age  int  
type persons []person  
func (ps persons) Len() int {  
    return len(ps)  
func (ps persons) Less(i, j int) bool {  
    return ps[i].age < ps[j].age  
func (ps persons) Swap(i, j int) {  
    ps[i], ps[j] = ps[j], ps[i]  
func main() {  
    ps := persons{  
        {"larry", 19},  
        {"jackey", 18},  
        {"lucy", 20},  

2.2 结果输出

[{jackey 18} {larry 19} {lucy 20}]  

